Job and Opportunity Fair

We foster connections between entrepreneurs, job-seeking youths, and employers, thus promoting labour-business linkages.

Luntha ndi Chuma

We focus on equipping youth across Malawi with digital skills and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Ntchito Mbambande

We are working to increase employability and self-employment to young TEVET graduates and out-of-school youth

Africa Code Week

We are dealing with the Digital Divide by engaging children at a tender age.


We leverage data for quality elections monitoring in countries.


We run a Robotics Club, where we train the youth in how to build robots for development.

Children’s Coding Club

We are championing the teaching of Tech Skills to children to inspire interest into the digital economy.

Girls for Code

We contribute towards ending the Digital Gender Divide by investing in building the capacity of girls in tech.

Mzinda Wanga

We champion citizen engagement for improved good governance.

Ufulu Wanga

Malawi’s first human rights ICT portal for advocacy, gender-based violence reporting and referals for cases of abuse.